Monday 7 March 2022

Room 5 Roundup!

 We've been up to all sorts of fun in room 5! Here are some pictures of what we've been up to since Christmas.

We were experimenting with air pressure using balloon races! We tried to work out the best conditions to aid speed.

We decorated our door like a giant present for the festive season! Plenty of engineering, math and art involved!

We decorated the inside of our door as a Georgian door.

Here's our beautiful Christmas mural.

We started quilling, which is curling paper and sticking and made gorgeous Christmas wreath cards.

We were sewing nativity scenes at Christmas and did a fantastic job. It was some people's first time and they really got the knack quickly.

We love baking (and eating what we bake) so we made chocolate chip cookies. 

When they were ready, we ate them! We washed them down with chocolate milk.

In January we were learning about sound in science and participated in a fun experiment using paper cups and string.

We have started cycling this month. We learn all about the theory and road safety and then get on our bikes!