Monday 27 September 2021

A Fantastic Fortnight in Room 1

The children in Room 1 explored the topic ‘Myself and My Family’ during Aistear this fortnight. Each day the children engaged in a different activity in their groups. The boys and girls referred to the ‘Aistear Rota’ pictured below to know which station they were assigned to daily. The Creative Station, Fine Motor Station, SESE Station and Role-play Area are the different play areas used during Aistear.

Creative Station

Ms Ormiston worked with the children at the Creative Station. The little artists designed wonderful family trees displayed below. Ms Ormiston and Ms Martin were very impressed with the children’s creative skills.

SESE Station

At the SESE station, the children worked as geographers, historians and scientists exploring the local community and identifying various materials around them.

Fine Motor Station 

The boys and girls used play dough to make family members. They also engaged in a cut and paste activity to develop their fine motor skills.

Role - play Area 

The children engaged in pretend play at the Role - play area. They cleaned the house, cooked dinners, baked cakes and importantly, had lots of fun together.

This is just a glimpse of the learning through play experienced in Room 1 over the last few weeks. Ms Martin, Ms Ormiston and the children are already excited to commence the next topic.