Tuesday 11 May 2021

Picker Pals Pea Project

The boys and girls in Seomra a Dó were absolutely thrilled to take part in the 'Picker Pals Pea Project' last week. We used recycled materials and collected yogurt pots in preparation for planting our peas. We used the soil from our plant box, shovels and trowels in order to make a nice bed for our peas. We placed our planted peas on the window sill of our classroom, watered them daily and waited patiently to see if we could see any signs of growth. We began to see excellent progress and each child brought their pot of 'Greenshaft Peas' home to move outdoors. Check out our results so far below! 
Maith sibh Rang a hAon agus a Dó on your great efforts! 😀