Friday 30 June 2017

Our School Year by 3rd & 4th class

We have had a great year in 3rd & 4th class with Ms Tinnelly. We have had great fun and we have made a lot of memories!!

This year in science, we learned a lot of things. We carried out a lot of investigations. 
We learned about shadows and how the sun moves which then makes our shadow move.

We made bridges from spaghetti and marshmallows. 

We went outside to carry out a soil investigation and found out about the different types of soil.

We had a healthy year in 3rd & 4th class. We enjoyed a range of active activities  and active homework. We made smoothies in class. They were yum!!!

Fire fighters                                                                                          One day the fire fighters from Kells fire station came to school.They talked about fire safety and how long it takes to destroy a sitting room - it takes one minute!. Then they let us try on the breathing apartatus.

Special Visitor
A very special visitor came to our school. John Quinn, an Irish author came to tell us about his books. He was very interesting. He talked about a lot of things and the books that he has written like Becky Bounces Back, Lily and Esme, The sSummer of Lily and Esme and Duck and Swan. It was Lilly Kangley's birthday and John gave Lily a signed copy of his book!!

In art, we had a very creative year. We made lots of lovely things, drew lots of lovely pictures and painted many works of art!!! We enjoyed making hot air balloons with paper mache.

We also made and decorated gingerbread men. There were some very well dressed gingerbread men running around Moynalty that day!!!!

Our School Tour
This year our school tour was the best ever!!!! There was a range of things to do like archery tag, go karting on the beach and follow the rope.
In archery tag, all you had to do was pull back the string and fire! In go karting, we practiced a few rounds and then had a race. It was so fast and so much fun!
We really enjoyed our day.